All-girl Advantage

“Being a Trafalgar girl means I can be whoever I want to be
as a girl and I can stand up for who I am.”

— Lexi F., Junior School Student


In an all-girls environment, girls are free from the distractions or pressures that can occur in a co-ed school. At a school for girls, they can be themselves and focus on growing as young women, bold leaders, and compassionate global citizens without ever having to wonder how they are being perceived by boys. They feel free to take risks, speak their minds, tackle challenges, and even fail without social pressure.

Trafalgar Castle School students are surrounded and empowered by driven girls and women who excel in science, technology, engineering, math, the arts, and athletics.

At Trafalgar, the most creative, collaborative, supportive or brilliant student in science, arts or math is a girl. Girls lead the robotics team. The school band and choirs are made up of talented girls.

Our alumnae are women leaders in a wide range of fields, from engineering, medicine and law to entertainment, marketing and more.

Our students feel confident taking on any challenge and striving for greatness because they’ve been given no reason to believe they can’t.

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“Girls’ school grads are six times more likely to consider majoring in math, science, and technology, compared to girls who attend coed schools.” — Goodman Research Group, The Girls’ School Experience: A Survey of Young Alumnae of Single-Sex Schools

“Girls’ school students have higher aspirations and greater motivation than their female peers at coed schools.” — Dr. Richard A. Holmgren, Steeped in Learning: The Student Experience at All-Girls Schools

“Compared to their coed peers, girls’ school graduates are three times more likely to consider engineering careers”. — Dr. Linda Sax, UCLA, Women Graduates of Single-Sex and Coeducational High Schools: Differences in their Characteristics and the Transition to College

“The overwhelming majority of girls’ school students agree to strongly agree that they feel supported at their schools: 95% feel supported by their teachers (compared to 84% of girls at coeducational public schools), 90% report feeling supported by other students (compared to 73%), and 83% feel supported by their school administrators (compared 63%).—Dr. Richard A. Holmgren, Allegheny College, Steeped in Learning: The Student Experience at All-Girls Schools