Alumnae Spotlight: Marlene Smith

Ontario Ladies’ College (OLC) Was the Foundation for Life-Long Friendships


One of the common themes alumnae share with staff when talking about their time at the Castle is the life-long friendships that were made at Ontario Ladies’ College (OLC)/Trafalgar Castle School. A bond so strong that it didn’t matter where they lived or
how often they spoke to each other – they just picked up where they left off when they gathered together again.

It’s this life-long bond that united the four friends and roommates from the Class of 1950 Ontario Ladies’ College alumnae – Marlene Smith (nee Deller), Pat Williams (nee Hogan), Jane Reeves (nee Farlinger) and Jane McNally (nee Nichols). The four ladies met at Ontario Ladies’ College in the mid to late 1940s and became instant friends.

“When they got together, it was like they were 15 years old again, and the conversations were endless,” said Catherine McNally, daughter of Jane McNally, Class of 1950 alumna. “They had experienced their formative years together, raised their families
together and supported each other during difficult times in their lives.”

Marlene Smith is the last remaining of the four friends. Sadly, Jane McNally, Pat Williams and Jane Reeves have all passed away, but their memories and cherished friendships live on. “OLC was a family,” said Marlene Smith (nee Deller), Class of 1950 alumna. “I loved my time at OLC. I attended OLC with my older sister Jane and younger sister Nancy, but it was my friends that I cherished the most from my time at school.”

L to R: Catherine McNally, daughter of Jane McNally with Class of 1950 OLC alumna, Marlene Smith (nee Deller).

Their time at OLC provided the foundation for their strong friendship. Catherine noted, “I recall my mother saying that OLC was an empowering force that encouraged women to be independent, strong collaborators and resilient,” said Catherine. “As a child, I thought OLC sounded like a magical place when my mother, Marlene, Jane and Pat spoke about their school days.”

Marlene added, “Yes, we were taught to seek our goals and reach for the stars. If you wanted something, you went for it! Our all-female faculty and staff inspired us to reach our goals. I have lived my life by these words ‘Go for it,’ and that’s how I became the producer of CATS and the only female producer of musical theatre in the mid-1980s.”

The School’s current values of determination, imagination, resilience, kindness and insight resonated with Marlene as she spoke about the deep respect that the four friends had for each other. “I miss the girls,” noted Marlene. “We were all so different,
but it was our differences that kept things interesting. We always had things to talk about or to share with each other, and when we raised our families together – that bond of friendship grew even deeper.”

“I remember growing up with Jane Reeve’s children Fraser and Jeff,” said Catherine. “We were all extended family. So, when I decided that I wanted to be an actor, it was my mom who asked Marlene to talk to me and provide advice on the best schools to attend. When I landed my first acting job at the Muskoka Theatre Festival, I found out later that Marlene had put a good word in for me.”

When asked what were some of your cherished memories together as friends, Marlene answered, “We were all creative! Jane Reeves (Farlinger) was an amazing sewer and designer – she could make anything! Her clothing designs were fabulous. Jane also
held the best holiday parties. While Jane McNally (Nichols) was a primary teacher who became an artist when she retired and Pat Williams (Hogan), was also a primary teacher.”

Marlene added, “I was going to be a Physical Education teacher because I loved sports during my time at OLC. I was a basketball player, synchronized swimmer and rode horses twice a day. Then I met my husband of over 65 years and had four children. My career in musical theatre happened by chance after answering an ad in the newspaper for a ticket salesperson. I had four children under the age of six and needed some adult conversation, and from there, I grew my career from group ticket sales to musical theatre producer, and I didn’t look back.”

They say true friends are timeless and fill your soul with sunshine and heart with love. It’s our friends’ honesty and integrity that help us through the most difficult of life’s challenges, and for this fearless foursome, OLC provided the magic and created a legacy
that will last a lifetime!